Donate and travel with us to Empathy Land!

‘We close the divide because we know, to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside’ Amanda Gorman 2021

In this “Week of Diversity,” will you also help engage children in conversation about customs and habits?
Donate now and travel with us to Empathy Land! We live in a society where understanding and respect for each other’s culture is increasingly important.
The Connect2Us Foundation has worked with a number of elementary school children and their teachers to develop Empathy Land.
An exciting and educational board game that promotes understanding of each other.
By playing Empathy Land, students learn to discuss things respectfully and to stand up for their opinions.
How is it with your family?
We are used to it this way and that.
Children learn to understand and, above all, accept differences.
We don’t have to adopt each other’s customs, but understanding each other creates togetherness and a better world.
Moreover, we see better what unites us. Read more here. In short: children develop empathy, learn to think critically and better recognize unfounded opinions and thus prejudices.
The game is bilingual, Dutch and English.
We are very proud of Empathy land!
If you also think this is a great initiative, please help us reach as many children as possible:

  • By making a donation with an amount according to slogan. Click here to donate.
  • With a donation of €40, you will receive a copy of Empathy Land as a thank you so you can play the game with your (grand)children, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
    Adults also enjoy playing the game. Click here to donate.
  • By, possibly together with your association or (service) club, donating one or more school packages (150,- euro) to donate to a school.
    The one around the corner, in the community, of your children or grandchildren or the school of the past.
    5 games are needed for a class of up to 30 children to make the trip to Empathy Land together. Click here to donate.
  • And by sharing this post with others.

The counter for this project stands at almost 10,500 euros.
The money will be used to put the games into production and reach the children.
To make a good start through a large group of schools we are aiming for 50,000 euros.
Every help is therefore welcome.
Your donation is tax deductible, Foundation Connect2Us is an ANBI institution and certified by the CBF.
If you click on this link you will find more background information and this is a link to the donation page.
To stay up to date, please like us on our facebook page or Instagram page. Thank you for reading (and sharing) this post.
Thank you very much, also on behalf of the children and volunteers who make Empathy Land possible, Jan Vincent Meertens President