About the project

From amazement to connection

We work, live and eat with people from all over the world – and we find that exciting and inspiring as long as things go as we expect. When things go differently than we expect or someone communicates differently than we do, we don’t always know that there may be a cultural misunderstanding and how to resolve it. Connect2Us strives to prevent and resolve those misunderstandings. From amazement to connection.

The Connect2Us Foundation, established in 2016, is a non-profit foundation with ANBI status and CBF certification.


When communicating between people from different cultural backgrounds, cultural differences can play a disruptive role. Misperception creates prejudice. Connect2Us wants to contribute to understanding, critical thinking and to prevent or eliminate these prejudices so that we can see how much we actually have in common.


We strive for a diverse society in which freedom and tolerance are central and prejudices about origin are eliminated.

A diverse society without prejudice about origin

Core values

Connect2Us’ four core values (connection, openness, mutual respect, sustainability) support its goals and, along with a variety of programs, create the frameworks for achieving our objective.


Connect2Us’ activities focus on connection, connection without borders. The activities stimulate the integral cohesion of people, organization(s) and society.


Connect2Us is open to everyone, regardless of belief, religion, political affiliation, ancestry, color, gender or sexual orientation.

Mutual respect

Connect2Us considers and assumes mutual respect for everyone’s worldview or religion. Connect2Us has established how and where a volunteer or staff member can report an unsafe situation and what will be done to address the complaint.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals to make the world a better place by 2030. Connect2Us strives to support these goals (4, 10, 16 and 17). Within SDG 10 is room for migration. “Migration and mobility of people must be better and more securely organized. Discriminatory laws and practices that only increase inequality must also be ended. Everyone must have equal opportunities and be involved in all social, economic and political aspects of society.” Goal 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.”


Migration is an ancient phenomenon that has always contributed to the development of our civilization and prosperity. During integration into new countries, migrants often encounter situations where cultural differences emerge. These everyday situations can be enjoyable, but also uncomfortable or even bewildering. To promote peaceful acceptance and integration and counter undermining polarization, Connect2Us makes cultural differences accessible and understandable. For Dutchmen and for newcomers. For education and for government. For parents and for children. For healthcare workers and patients. For all.

Connect2Us’ stories, games and explanations provide a clear introduction to more enjoyable and smooth intercultural coexistence.

Connect2Us has chosen to consider the Netherlands as its primary operating area. Meanwhile, Connect2Us has branches in Luxembourg and Germany.

Connect2Us’ objectives are:

  • To reach the widest possible audience in the countries where we have a platform.
  • Educate school-aged children through play.
  • Educate certain professions in the social sectors through games, webinars and workshops.

Target groups

In principle, the platform is aimed at all residents of the countries represented on the website, with a specific focus on the following target groups:

  • (Young) scholars
  • Teachers
  • Expat families and their Dutch colleagues and friends
  • Students
  • Care workers

We will target and project these groups in the coming period, always building on the success of the “previous” target group.


Since its establishment in 2016, the Foundation has grown into a collection of intercultural communication experts, psychologists and educators; a team of more than 25 volunteers. In addition to the multicultural composition of the team and the life experience of those involved, there is high-quality expertise in the field of culture within the Foundation. The founders and a number of volunteers are linked to the recently deceased scholar Geert Hofstede, who validated the stories on our platform and our approach to them. Geert Hofstede conducted world-renowned research on the differences between national cultures in how individuals view organizations, each other and “others. His research is indeed invaluable. First, because of the overwhelming amount of data covering pretty much the entire world and, second, because the dimensions in his research allow for relevant comparisons between national cultures. At Connect2Us, we translate those differences into everyday life. Understanding and acceptance of those differences makes one realize what we all have in common.

When migrants settle in a new country, they often encounter situations in which cultural differences come to the fore. Normal, everyday situations can be pleasant, but also uncomfortable or even bewildering. And not just for the newcomer. Volunteers, neighbors and social workers can also be amazed by an encounter with a migrant.

Take a migrant from a country where society is very hierarchical, such as Syria, Ghana, Vietnam or Brazil. A doctor’s visit in egalitarian Holland may come as a surprise because the doctor may ask the patient what he or she believes the reason for the complaint is. Four intercultural experts affiliated with the Hofstede Center took the initiative to write down these everyday occurrences. All four have personally experienced the cultural differences in their lives as migrants or expatriates. They also spoke with migrants and social workers in the Netherlands and recorded their experiences.

The easy-to-read stories show the differences from Dutch culture, provide insight into the cause and tips for overcoming it in a positive way. Illustrations help the user navigate through the various situations. Explanations are given in clear language that can be understood by everyone. For those who want to know more, there are further explanations based on scientific research.

Connect2Us partners with Geert Hofstede et al. and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in The Hague.

Learn more about the Board and volunteers.

The illustrations are by Luigi Segre.

The website was developed by Buro85 and with support from Studio Cometa.

Here you will find the C2U Annual Report-2023 and the Foundation’s audit committee report.

Here you will find the Statutes of the Foundation .